8 जबरजस्त apps for AGE between 16 to 40 | Online learning apps

ONLINE learning apps are the best APPS for everyone to learn at very low cost.

8 जबरजस्त apps for AGE between 16 to 40

1. Duolingo

Duolingo is a popular language-learning platform that offers interactive and gamified lessons to help users learn new languages. With its user-friendly interface and diverse course options, Duolingo has gained immense popularity worldwide.

The platform utilizes various techniques such as translation exercises, vocabulary quizzes, and speaking exercises to enhance language proficiency. Users can choose from a wide range of languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, and many more. The lessons are designed to be engaging, with colorful visuals and audio prompts that aid in comprehension and retention.

2. Coursera

Coursera is a leading online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses from top universities and institutions worldwide.

Coursera offers a range of certifications, including specializations and professional certificates, which can enhance one’s resume and professional profile. Additionally, some courses on Coursera are part of degree programs, allowing learners to earn academic credentials from prestigious universities.

The platform also provides opportunities for individuals to upskill or reskill in order to adapt to the rapidly evolving job market. Coursera partners with leading companies to offer industry-relevant courses and programs that equip learners with the skills and knowledge needed in today’s workforce.


edX is a renowned online learning platform that provides access to a vast array of courses from top universities and institutions across the globe. It offers learners the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in various subjects, ranging from computer science and engineering to humanities and business.

One of the notable features of edX is its commitment to offering high-quality education that is accessible to all. The platform provides a wide range of courses, including both self-paced and instructor-led options, enabling learners to study at their own pace and convenience.

edX courses are designed by esteemed professors and experts who are leaders in their respective fields. These courses often include engaging video lectures, interactive exercises, quizzes, and assignments to facilitate effective learning. Additionally, learners can benefit from discussion forums and collaboration with peers, fostering a vibrant learning community.

The platform also offers the opportunity to earn verified certificates upon completion of courses, which can serve as valuable credentials in professional settings or for personal development. Some programs on edX even provide the opportunity to earn micro-credentials or degrees from renowned institutions.

8 जबरजस्त apps for AGE between 16 to 40 | Online learning apps

edX is dedicated to staying at the forefront of education technology. It leverages innovative tools and platforms to enhance the learning experience, such as virtual labs, simulations, and adaptive learning technologies. These features ensure that learners receive a comprehensive and engaging education.


Udemy is a well-known online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses taught by expert instructors from around the world. With a vast library of courses covering various subjects, Udemy provides learners with the opportunity to acquire new skills, expand their knowledge, and pursue personal or professional development.

8 जबरजस्त apps for AGE between 16 to 40 | Online learning apps


Skillshare is a popular online learning community that provides a platform for individuals to explore and develop their creative and professional skills. With a vast array of courses taught by industry experts and practitioners, Skillshare offers an immersive learning experience in a wide range of subjects.

One of the key advantages of Skillshare is its focus on creative disciplines. From graphic design and illustration to photography, writing, and music, Skillshare offers an extensive selection of courses that cater to artistic and creative pursuits. This makes it an ideal platform for individuals looking to nurture their creative talents or explore new artistic endeavors.

8 जबरजस्त apps for AGE between 16 to 40 | Online learning apps

6.LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning, formerly known as Lynda.com, is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of professional development courses to help individuals enhance their skills and advance their careers. As a subsidiary of LinkedIn, the platform is uniquely positioned to provide valuable insights and learning opportunities for professionals across various industries.

LinkedIn Learning courses are created by industry experts, renowned instructors, and leading practitioners. They are presented in high-quality video format, allowing learners to follow along with demonstrations, practical examples, and case studies. This engaging format facilitates effective learning and knowledge retention.

The platform offers personalized learning paths and recommendations based on users’ professional interests and goals. Learners can choose from a wide range of courses and customize their learning experience to meet their specific needs. This personalized approach ensures that individuals can focus on developing the skills that are most relevant to their careers.

7.Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that provides a free online learning platform with a mission to offer a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Through its extensive collection of video lessons, interactive exercises, and personalized learning tools, Khan Academy empowers learners of all ages to acquire knowledge and develop essential skills.

Khan Academy’s instructional content is presented in the form of short, engaging videos. These videos are created by experienced educators and experts, ensuring high-quality instruction and clarity. Learners can watch the videos at their own pace, pausing or rewinding as needed to grasp the concepts effectively.


Codecademy is a renowned online learning platform that focuses on teaching coding and programming skills to individuals of all levels. With its interactive approach, practical exercises, and comprehensive curriculum, Codecademy offers an immersive learning experience for aspiring coders and tech enthusiasts.

Codecademy’s interactive coding exercises are designed to provide hands-on practice. Learners can apply the concepts they learn immediately, receiving instant feedback and guidance. This active learning approach helps reinforce understanding, build coding skills, and cultivate problem-solving abilities.

The platform also offers practical projects that simulate real-world scenarios. These projects allow learners to demonstrate their coding skills, work on tangible applications, and build a portfolio of projects that showcase their abilities. This practical experience is invaluable in preparing learners for future coding challenges and professional opportunities.

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